by Judith and Jim | Nov 24, 2020 | Podcasts |
This is our last podcast episode for the foreseeable future, but all past episodes will remain online for you to access whenever you like.
Now to a question ~ How do you respond to a compliment or some form of success?
So often people say their success is a matter of “luck” or “fate.” They’ll say it in response to a compliment or the successful outcome of a job interview or first date.
Why would people hand off these important issues and positive results to “luck” or “fate” rather than their own decisions, their own behavior, their own intelligence, their own excellence?
This isn’t just about receiving. It’s about owning responsibility for your choices, your actions, your excellence, and success in whatever ways it manifests. So we ask, how can you feel rightfully fabulous, when you’re not owning who you actually are?
An Important Message …
Due to the many problems primarily associated with COVID-19, this is our last Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous podcast. And Judith & Jim thank you for your support.
However, Judith & Jim still invite you to visit the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
by Judith and Jim | Nov 17, 2020 | Podcasts |
How do you respond when …
It’s a certainty, a fact that there will always be disappointment in life. So the most important question is – how do you respond when you experience those shocks, hurts, and sometimes soul-draining, devastating events?
Do you collapse, feel like a victim, decide it’s too much to bear? Or do you experience the frustration, the pain and acknowledge that it is real, without covering it over with false humor or developing a stiff upper lip.
Because how you respond to being disappointed is either a recipe for gratitude and a life well-lived, or a deeply contaminated recipe for bitterness and the chronic experience of defeat — no matter the actual realities of your current life.
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcript, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.
by Judith and Jim | Nov 10, 2020 | Podcasts |
How do you experience gratitude?
You may be asking yourself — what does Gratitude have to do with Overcoming The Fear Of Being Fabulous? You might even think you have lots of frustrations so what’s to be grateful for?
But that may be one of the issues that keeps holding you back! You may be so focused on what you don’t have that you forget to pay attention to all that you DO have.
Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase “like attracts like” — and it’s true! Whether it’s in friendships, romantic relationships, career opportunities — like does attract like. And gratitude really does attract more to be grateful for!
So today we’re going to explore the power of gratitude to help you overcome the fear of being fabulous.
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcript, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.
by Judith and Jim | Nov 3, 2020 | Podcasts |
Do you even dare do it?
When you eat out, do you feel comfortable returning dishes or drinks that weren’t prepared like you ordered? Do you even dare do it?
We’ve talked with so many people who told us they were horrified at the thought of sending back a well-done hamburger when they ordered rare; or limp bacon when they ordered super crispy; or a malt that’s delivered ahead of your meal when you specified that you wanted it with your meal and not before.
Even when we point out that they are paying for something they specified to be made a certain way, they shake their head and are clearly unable to be in charge of themselves in this regard. So today we are digging into the blocks that prevent speaking up in your own defense!
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcript, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.
by Judith and Jim | Oct 27, 2020 | Podcasts |
Do You Own Your Own Life – On Your Own Terms?
Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous is rooted in awakening you to the powerful childhood roots that can be holding you back.
That’s why today we’re addressing your life, and all that influenced you before your brain was capable of Reason and Analysis. Because only with the capability to reason, analyze, and question can you own your life—on your own terms.
Join us now as we explore this very important topic.
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcript, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.
by Judith and Jim | Oct 20, 2020 | Podcasts |
Are you more comfortable being nice or being honest??
How often do you feel you have to be “nice” rather than honest?
So often people short change the other person and themselves by reducing their feedback, whether at work or in their personal lives, to “being nice”, when they could provide valuable communication if they were simply, and respectfully honest.
Why would you avoid telling the truth, in favor of being “nice”?
Most people say it’s because they are afraid of hurting someone’s feelings. But think about it this way — as the Dean of my graduate school once said, “Nice folks leave a wake of destruction in their path.”
So make sure to listen as we unpack that bit of true wisdom!
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcript, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.