by Judith and Jim | Nov 19, 2019 | Podcasts |
Who are you really? And what is not the REAL you?
Many people associate the unconscious with forbidden feelings. Perhaps sexual, perhaps rageful, or anything else that’s considered forbidden. But we prefer to look at what went into your mind to help create The Fear Of Being Fabulous before you were old enough to evaluate what is actually true for you – who you really are – and what is not the real you.
That’s why J & J devote this podcast to helping you explore the power of the unconscious and how it can be controlling you without your awareness or understanding.
And The Double Js will also give you some useful tips to help you weed out unconscious prohibitions that are holding you back!
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit their Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcripts, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.

by Judith and Jim | Nov 12, 2019 | Podcasts |
Are you a chronic procrastinator?
Do you worry about The Imposter Syndrome? Refrain from speaking up at meetings or with friends for fear you’ll be seen as a bossy, imposing know-it-all? Do you struggle with anxiety and/or depression? Are you a chronic procrastinator? Perhaps you cater to old values you learned in childhood and don’t even recognize what it’s costing you.
These are just a small sampling of what you’ll discover about the Signs and Signals of ways that people suffer from the Fear of Being Fabulous—and how it may be holding you back from a much larger, happier life.
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit their Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcripts, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.

by Judith and Jim | Nov 5, 2019 | Podcasts |
Jim’s Personal Fear of Being Fabulous Struggle After a Stroke in 2016
Sometimes the Fear of Being Fabulous can have tangible, physical roots. For example, Jim’s stroke in October 2016 mostly hit the muscles in his mouth and therefore his speech. Even though most people now think he sounds “normal,” never having heard him before, Jim needed to explain his own Fear of Being Fabulous to you so you understand that it’s been caused by not trusting how he sounds when he speaks. Notice how Jim responds when Judith points out how he finds it difficult to give himself credit for Being Fabulous at speaking on their podcasts and doing executive coaching. Can you relate to that?
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit their Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcripts, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.

by Judith and Jim | Oct 29, 2019 | Podcasts |
You’ll be sure to see yourself here!
Nearly everyone holds themselves back from the super success they could enjoy. Procrastination! Self-doubt! Anxiety! Judith & Jim describe how unconscious allegiances and hold-backs produce The Fear of Being Fabulous plus the underpinnings and the roots of deep hold-backs.
And for this podcast and every one to come, Judith & Jim’s goal is to leave you more empowered and inspired to expand your freedom to be fully you!
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit their Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcripts, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.