by Judith and Jim | Jul 21, 2020 | Podcasts |
Are you allowed to outshine your parents and/or siblings?
Many people are held back by worry that if they succeed according to their own desires and ambitions they will feel guilty. But – guilty of what? Guilty for outshining everyone else in their family. Guilty for going after things their family may not approve of. Guilty. What about you? What have you felt guilty about?
What do you feel guilty about right now? Moving away from your family’s long time city or town? Dating or marrying outside your family’s race, religion, or any other approved of category? Making more money than anyone in your family ever even thought about? Succeeding in a career your family thinks is corrupt or even evil? There are plenty of other categories of course.
So today Judith & Jim ask and explore with you this key question – “Are you allowed to outshine your parents and/or siblings?
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcript, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.

by Judith and Jim | Jul 14, 2020 | Podcasts |
Ever thought about how areas of your life can actually be contaminated — polluted by experiences and emotional associations in your early life?
In today’s episode Judith & Jim will help you dig into this as it applies to your life, your much larger life and your current fear of being fabulous. So please give some thought to how early upbringing can twist how people think about other people’s race, religion, and other cultures. Think about how kids learn to make fun of other kids, to bully and badger them. They weren’t born that way. They learned it. And they think it’s okay. Those are the results of contamination!
So how has your life, and the way you relate to yourself, been contaminated by your early experiences?
Discover more about this with J & J today!
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcript, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.
by Judith and Jim | Jul 7, 2020 | Podcasts |
3 Big Questions for You
Today Judith & Jim have 3 big questions for you! Because they want you to better understand “Where in your life is your Unconscious holding you back?” They are following up on the topic of Unconscious Allegiances and Forbiddances, and will be helping you examine the difference between those areas in your life where you are doing really well – maybe even amazing – and those where you feel like the mysteries of the universe have you trapped and you can’t get out!
Get ready to let go of Anxiety, Depression, and Substance Abuse – little by little.
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit their Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcript, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.

by Judith and Jim | Jun 30, 2020 | Podcasts |
Today it’s Jim’s turn to share some of his stories that demonstrate where his Fear of Being Fabulous originated.
When you listen to Jim describe a bit of his background and the early roots of his Fear Of Being Fabulous, see what comes to mind from your own early experiences where you thought you had to be humble and modest, playing down your own excellence and expertise. That playing down is what J & J call “hold-backs” which are most often unconscious until you get awakened to how they are interfering with your larger more satisfying life. And that’s what “The Double Js” are dedicated to helping you discover.

Both Books are Now Available on Amazon – Just Click on the Covers
by Judith and Jim | Jun 23, 2020 | Podcasts |
Today’s episode is about Judith’s Fear Of Being Fabulous
Judith & Jim’s expertise in helping people with Overcoming The Fear Of Being Fabulous didn’t just come from working with clients in their private practice over many year and now coaching tech industry executives. It started with their own personal challenges.
Today you’ll gain insight into a bit of Judith’s background and how it helped create personal and professional challenges for her – so you can hopefully relate them to your own life.
Next week it’s Jim’s turn to share some stories about his holdbacks.
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit their Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcripts, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.