by Judith and Jim | Sep 29, 2020 | Podcasts |
No more hiding your holdbacks!
Yes, it’s really becoming a movement! And times, they really are changing! No more hiding your holdbacks, your fears of being too much. Or, on the other hand, no more avoiding telling your friends about the great promotion you just received, the awesome person you just went out with who wants to see you again, the amount of weight you lost, or the wonderful vacation you have planned!
And it’s totally okay if you’re struggling, uncomfortable, self-conscious, even embarrassed that The Fear Of Being Fabulous still has a hold on you. In fact, you can say so.
Why? Because more and more we hear from people who listen to this podcast, share it with their friends, and are finding that the topic of Overcoming The Fear Of Being Fabulous is more and more an okay thing to talk about!
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit their Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcript, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.

by Judith and Jim | Sep 22, 2020 | Podcasts |
Do you have permission to express your anger?
We ask because one of our podcast listeners asked that we provide an episode about anger — the freedom to express anger.
She said there are so many times that she feels angry, whether in her love relationship or at work, but she can’t find the internal permission to express it.
Now this is a very bright, educated, successful woman, and she knows it doesn’t serve her career or her relationship to hold back when she feels angry.
So today we’re going to unpack the fear of being furious! Well, actually not the fear of BEING furious, instead it’s the fear of EXPRESSING your fury, whether that be in just disagreeing with people, exposing flaws in their logic, or whatever it might be!
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit their Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcript, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.

by Judith and Jim | Sep 15, 2020 | Podcasts |
How much do you focus on what other people think of you?
Do you cater to others’ opinions – whether it’s about music, work, health, politics, the latest film, or where to go on your next vacation – rather than owning your own perspective?
In this podcast we’re inviting you to examine – for yourself – what’s known as the difference between Internal vs External Locus of Control. In other words, where do you look to determine your value? Out there in other people’s opinions, style, or habits? Or inside yourself?
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcript, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.

by Judith and Jim | Sep 8, 2020 | Podcasts |
Do you feel you deserve the success you’ve achieved?
Think of all the super stars who killed themselves – one way or another – at the height of their career. Elvis, Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse, Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain, Anthony Bourdain, Robin Williams, Ernest Hemingway, Whitney Houston, Marilyn Monroe and the list goes on and on. It doesn’t matter whether it might have even been an “accidental overdose” or described as an accidental noose around the neck, either way they couldn’t live within the glory and wealth they had earned.
So, what about you? Do you feel you deserve the success you’ve achieved? The house or condo you own? The acclaim, the stature the world keeps granting to you? Or do you feel self-conscious, guilty, worried about what others think? Most people do, that’s why we’re exploring how you can better deserve, truly deserve, the life you’ve created for yourself, and the success that’s coming in the future.
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcript, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.

by Judith and Jim | Sep 1, 2020 | Podcasts |
Do You Suffer From The Imposter Syndrome?
Some of the people we coach, who are leaders in their own right – most of whom work in the tech industry either directly or as joint venture partners – tell us they feel like imposters. They know it’s strange. They acknowledge that there’s no real legitimate reason for it. But they still feel like they can’t quite own the success they’ve achieved.
Sometimes it’s easier to understand if someone never went to college, or didn’t graduate from college and yet they are now managing people who have PhDs in Computer Science or Data Analysis. But many times, if not most of the time, people who struggle with the Imposter Syndrome – no matter their education, professional experience, or even their age – simply can’t stand solidly within their very real accomplishments and feel like rightful owners.
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcript, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.