by Judith and Jim | Sep 1, 2020 | Podcasts |
Do You Suffer From The Imposter Syndrome?
Some of the people we coach, who are leaders in their own right – most of whom work in the tech industry either directly or as joint venture partners – tell us they feel like imposters. They know it’s strange. They acknowledge that there’s no real legitimate reason for it. But they still feel like they can’t quite own the success they’ve achieved.
Sometimes it’s easier to understand if someone never went to college, or didn’t graduate from college and yet they are now managing people who have PhDs in Computer Science or Data Analysis. But many times, if not most of the time, people who struggle with the Imposter Syndrome – no matter their education, professional experience, or even their age – simply can’t stand solidly within their very real accomplishments and feel like rightful owners.
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcript, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.

by Judith and Jim | Aug 25, 2020 | Podcasts |
How Much Do You Allow Yourself To Want?
Do you struggle with depression, anxiety, or some other form of self-doubt? It’s our personal and professional experience that most people do – at least from time to time, if not most of the time. Certainly we’ve both felt the drag of depression, the annoyance of anxiety, the uncertainty of living on this planet.
Not only do those feelings undermine your self-confidence, they seriously limit what you can allow yourself to want for your life. That’s why we are committed to helping you expand how much you can allow yourself to want – now – and going forward in your life!
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcript, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.

by Judith and Jim | Aug 18, 2020 | Podcasts |
How well do you receive praise and compliments?
Do you blow it off when someone compliments you? Do you hide behind false humility, worried that others may think you’re conceited or grand-standing if you simply say “Thank you”?
Discover what that says about your relationship with you and how to turn this around. You’ll also discover how saying “Thank You” is actually a gift. After all, if you can’t receive acknowledgment from others, and easily say “Thank you” it’s a bit like living in a psychological and spiritual desert.
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcript, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.

by Judith and Jim | Aug 11, 2020 | Podcasts |
You’ll Never Liberate Your True Identity Until You “Leave Home” Internally
Most people move out of their parents home to start their own lives. But, for most people, all too often it’s merely a physical leaving home, not one that liberates their identity!
So today, Judith will interview Jim about why he wrote his Leaving Home Trilogy of autobiographical novels.
Jim will reveal how the first book, Worship of Hollow Gods, explores some of the many “hollow gods” families become committed to; become addicted to.
In Jim’s second book, An Ambition To Belong, he explores the angst most adolescents experience – no longer children and not yet adult. Belonging nowhere.
Jim’s award-winning, best-selling novels added to his own freedom to be fabulous, writing about many issues that people can find off-limits or even spiritually offensive. And in that way publishing these novels was a major act of internally leaving home for Jim.
To learn more about the trilogy and download a FREE copy of one of James’ favorite chapters from the Leaving Home Trilogy just go to

by Judith and Jim | Aug 4, 2020 | Podcasts |
Managing up! Ever hear of it? Never heard of it?
It’s important that you don’t allow yourself to just be obedient whether it’s with your boss, your spouse, whoever! In order to grow in your self-appraisal, today Judith & Jim will help you learn to better manage up!
It’s important that you feel comfortable influencing others, perhaps in your relationship with your child’s teacher, or with your next door neighbor, or your friendship circle. Managing Up and Influencing Others is an important element in your commitment to living an expanded lifestyle.
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcript, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.

by Judith and Jim | Jul 28, 2020 | Podcasts |
Did You Know that there’s no such thing as failure ?
Judith & Jim have a big announcement for you! Perhaps even a giant wake-up call! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FAILURE. Yes, you heard that right. There is no such thing as failure. Why? Because you are always succeeding – always. The question is – at what? Today Judith & Jim will help you dig into this provocative guarantee. You’ll be surprised at what you discover. To get ready for this podcast, bring to mind an area in your life where you are not living up to what you would prefer. It might be in your career, your love life, physical fitness, spirituality, you name it. Now get ready for J & J to help you think about this area in your life very, very differently!
To Find Out More …
Judith & Jim invite you to visit the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous website and take a look around.
You’ll find out more about Judith & Jim, get the latest information about the Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous Personal Workshop, and you can also listen to all Episodes, get the Transcript, and leave a comment–all on the Podcast Page.